Columbus Eye Examinations

Austin County has some excellent resources for eye exams in the Columbus, Katy, and Bellville areas. It's important to have your eyes examined regularly, and if you live in the Austin County area, there's no excuse not to maintain proper preventative eye care.

Many people may not be aware, but regular eye examinations are crucial in regard to your health. In fact, an eye examination can uncover a number of things about your general health, not just your vision. Your doctor may see signs of high blood pressure, or a systemic disease such as diabetes. (Systemic diseases are often not caught until a crisis is reached, so this could potentially make a huge difference in your life and your medical care.)


Signs of a tumor, or even abnormal brain changes can be caught early due to regular eye examinations. They could even catch a potentially blinding eye disease before it’s too late.


Eye exams are especially important when it comes to your children. Vision problems in young children are hard to catch because they have been compensating for them all their lives. Often, the first time a problem really becomes apparent is when your child is learning to read at school. Children have been misdiagnosed as having everything from a learning disability to ADD/HD to dyslexia, when really what they are experiencing is an undiagnosed vision problem.


Children may be too young to verbally express that they have a problem, or they may even think that everyone sees the same way that they do, since they have experienced nothing else. That's why it is important to be aware of your child's progress, and get his or her vision checked regularly. The eye tests conducted by schools do not, and cannot substitute for a full eye examination. They have neither the equipment nor the training to adequately ascertain your eye health.


As an adult, eye examinations are no less important. The materials of which our eyes are made deteriorate over time. In fact, as we age, we are almost certain to eventually develop cataracts, which can lead to blindness.


Be aware of any eye disease in your family, as many eye problems are hereditary. You will want to inform your doctor about any such tendencies so she can exercise special care in that regard. Also ensure that you bring a list of current medications, as some of them may affect your eyesight.


Be aware of any eye disease in your family, as many eye problems are hereditary. You will want to inform your doctor about any such tendencies so she can exercise special care in that regard. Also ensure that you bring a list of current medications, as some of them may affect your eyesight.


Dependent upon your risk factors, including hereditary disease, current systemic disease, the make-up of your eyes, and so forth, you may need an eye exam more or less frequently than others. Check with your optometrist or ophthalmologist — she’s the specialist.


As well as testing basic visual acuity, your eye doctor is trained to examine other features of the eye. During an eye exam, the doctor typically dilates your eyes, so she can see their internal structure. She can check eye pressure, to see if you are at risk for glaucoma.


It’s important to recognize that often eye disease or vision loss initially presents with a lack of observable symptoms. An eye doctor can catch this before you run into trouble, or end up with permanent vision loss.

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