Dry eyes

Dry EyesThere are two kinds of tears; those that lubricate the eye and those that are caused by an irritation or emotion. When lubricating, healthy eyes are constantly covered by fluid - a tear film designed to remain stable between blinks. This film prevents dry eyes and allows your eyes to maintain a clear and comfortable vision.


The film that moistens the eye consist of three layers; an outer oily layer, a watery layer and a layer of mucus. Together these layers work together to keep the eye wet and comfortable.


Dry eye syndrome is a discomfort or pain caused when the tear glands does not produce enough fluid the tear film is disrupted and dry spots form on the surface of the eye. Tear production usually decreases with age and can be affected by disease and or medication. For those that wear contact lenses it can be difficult if not impossible to wear the lenses when the eyes are dry or have dry spots.



Signs and symptoms of dry eyes, which usually affect both eyes may include:

• A stinging, burning or scratching sensation in the eyes
• Stringy mucus in or around your eyes
• Increased eye irritation from smoke or wind
• Eye fatigue after short periods of reading
• Sensitivity to light
• Difficulty wearing contact lenses
• Tearing
• Blurred vision, often increasing at the end of the day or after prolonged focusing for a period of time.


It is possible for a person to suffer from dry eye with tears streaming down their face. Why? If the basic tear secretion is below normal or of poor quality, excess tears are produced by the lacrimal gland in response to irritation. Even though the eye is basically dry, overflow tearing can occur, masking the dryness that caused the tears in the first place.



While dry eyes can occur in both men and women- women are most often suffer dry eyes after menopause.There are many other factors and causes which may cause dry eyes including:

Any condition that causes corneal scarring
Poor tear quality- imbalance in the mixture of fluids that create the protective film
Decreased tear production
Lagophthalmos – the inability to close the eyelids completely or poor lid fuction
Riley-Day syndrome- incomplete development of sensory and autonomic neurons
Absence of the lacrimal gland ( the almond-shaped glands, one for each eye, that secrete the layer of tear film)
Paralysis of the facial or trigeminal nerves
Medication with atropine
Medications such as diuretics, drugs to treat high blood pressure, antihistamines, decongestants, birth control pills, sleeping pills, certain anti-depressants, drugs for treatment of acne and opiate-based pain relievers, such as morphine
Deep anesthesia
Debilitating diseases


Dry eyes also because by environmental conditions such as; sun, wind, high altitude, dry climate, hot blowing air or dry air. Intense reading, use of a computer or driving may also contribute to dry eyes.



Replacing natural tears with artificial tears is the basis of treatment. Artificial tears are available without prescription and are used as eye drops to lubricate the eyes and replace the missing moisture. There are many brands of artificial tears on the market, and many people try several different brands to find one that suits them best.


The tears may be used as often as necessary - only once or twice a day, or as often as several times an hour. Solid inserts that gradually release lubricants during the day are also beneficial to some people. Conserving the naturally produced tears is another approach to keeping the eyes moist. After bathing the eye's surface, tears enter a small opening in each lid, the punctum, and drain through a small canal, the canaliculus, into the lacrimal sac and down the naso-lacrimal duct into the nose. These channels may be closed temporarily, or permanently. The closure creates a reservoir of tears, which allows the eyes to stay moist for longer periods of time.


Other methods of coping include using a humidifier in winter, and avoiding anything that adds dryness to the air, such an overly warm room, hair dryers, or being outside on windy days. Anything that adds an irritant to the air will also make a person with dry eyes more uncomfortable. Smoking is especially bothersome.

Some people complain of "scratchy eyes" upon awakening. Using an ointment at bedtime can treat this symptom. Use the smallest amount of ointment necessary for comfort, since the ointment can cause temporary blurring of vision.


Although dry eyes don't usually cause permanent damage, diminished vision may prompt you to seek medical treatment.

See your eye care doctor if you've had prolonged signs and symptoms of dry eyes, including red, irritated, tired or painful eyes.


For additional information or to schedule an Eye Examination, please contact us at 1.866.611-7556.


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