Pediatric Eye Care Texas

Most parents are vigilant about ensuring their children have regular pediatrician visits for scheduled vaccinations and check-ups, and eye care should be a part of this necessary health care. As young as six months, a pediatrician should check the eyes to make sure they work together as a unit and that the eyes are not unusually shaped or show signs of congenital disease like cataracts. Other conditions can be diagnosed during infancy.

If a baby’s eyes look fine, regular eye exams can be given when the child reaches an age when they can understand and give accurate answers to a doctor’s questions, generally around age four. During these exams, the eye doctor checks a number of things. The eyes are examined for depth perception and color differentiation, ability to see objects clearly, and the doctor also checks for any malformation of the eye or eyes that seem misaligned, or eyes that seem like they move independently of each other.


There are a number of conditions that need to be caught during childhood to ensure that a child grows up with healthy eyes and good vision. One of the most important Amblyopia, or “lazy eye.” It is very important that this condition be treated when in childhood, as it is impossible to treat when the sufferer becomes an adult. Though Amblyopia has some overt symptoms, like cataracts, droopy eyelids and eyes that appear turned in or out, it is mainly identified by reduced vision in only one eye. This main symptom can be easy to miss but can be diagnosed during regular pediatrician visits. Treatment would then be referred to an ophthalmologist, who may recommend an eye patch over the strong eye to force the weaker eye to begin to compensate. If missed, a child can grow into adulthood with a permanently weak eye.


There are other conditions that benefit from early intervention are Strabismus, a condition where the eyes are misaligned and move independently from one another, that is easily treated with glasses. Congenital eye problems, such as glaucoma or cataracts, benefit greatly from early detection, and can be treated with laser surgery or scalpel eye surgery, as well as some drugs that children can tolerate. Additionally, a minor accident that a child “walks off” can cause injury and affect the shape of the eye. Routine eye exams given by a pediatric ophthalmologist can diagnose and then treat all of these conditions, allowing a child a much better chance of making to adulthood with healthy vision.


In the state of Texas, many pediatric clinics may have an ophthalmologist as part of the practice. The Texas Medicaid program for children, CHiP, covers eye exams and glasses so even children whose parents may lack insurance can receive the eye care they need. It is important, when selecting an ophthalmologist for a child that the doctor be board certified in the field of ophthalmology in the state of Texas. Additionally, there are other professional associations that encourage further education and allow ophthalmologists’ access to the most recent information in pediatric ophthalmology. Check with any pediatric ophthalmologist to ensure they are board certified and that their professional associations are in order.


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