Pediatric Ophthalmology

Pediatric ophthalmology is a part of the medical profession that specializes in diagnosing and treating eye diseases that left unchecked can cause serious problems with a child’s vision. Pediatric ophthalmologists are doctors or surgeons who treat and surgically correct eye problems that occur during childhood. If a person has certain eye diseases and conditions it is important that these conditions be diagnosed and treated during childhood, as some conditions are untreatable once a person becomes an adult, or if left untreated, they can result in permanent visual deterioration. However, if caught early and treated early enough, some eye problems can be corrected and a child can grow into adulthood with good vision. Parents who have a history of eye diseases, like glaucoma and cataracts, are urged to begin getting their children’s eyes checked when they are quite young, as many diseases can be mitigated or prevented with early detection and care.

There are several childhood eye diseases and conditions that parents need to be aware of. For example, if a child develops the condition Amblyopia, it is imperative that the condition be treated when in childhood, as it is impossible to treat after adulthood is reached. Though Amblyopia has some overt symptoms, like droopy eyelids, cataracts, and eyes that appear turned in or out, it is mainly identified by reduced vision in one of the eyes. This main symptom can be easy to miss, but can be diagnosed during regular pediatrician visits. Treatment would then be referred to an ophthalmologist, who may recommend an eye patch over the strong eye to force the weaker eye to begin to compensate.

Strabismus is another condition that pediatric ophthalmologists encounter. Eyes that do not appear to line up properly, or move independently from one another, characterize this condition. Misaligned eyes are the biggest symptom of this condition. While there is no known cause for the condition, glasses can easily treat the problem.

Pediatric ophthalmologists also look at the eye to see if diseases that affect children are causing eye injury or a change in the shape of the formation of the eye. Diseases like juvenile diabetes and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis can cause problems with eyes in children. Additionally, a pediatric ophthalmologist can look at the eye and determine if any undetected injuries have caused a change in the shape of the eye or its function.

In the state of Texas, many pediatric clinics may have an ophthalmologist as part of the practice. The Texas Medicaid program for children, CHiP, covers eye exams and glasses so that even if parents do not carry optical insurance, children can still receive eye care. It is important, when selecting an ophthalmologist for a child that the doctor be board certified in the field of ophthalmology in the state of Texas. Additionally, there are other professional associations that encourage further education and allow ophthalmologists access to the most recent information in pediatric ophthalmology. Such organizations include American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus and the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

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