Post LASIK surgery tips

Lasik eye surgery has helped tens of thousands of people around the world see clearly again. Those suffering from nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism can have their conditions corrected, and no longer have to rely on eye glasses or the daily routines involved with contact lenses. Once you have had Lasik eye surgery there are certain steps that you must take in order to ensure a speedy and complication free recovery.

  1. Stay Hydrated: The body requires a lot of water to recover from surgery. Drink plenty of water and fruit juice. Avoid beverages that can act as diuretics such as coffee and alcohol, as these can actually cause faster dehydration.
  2. Get Plenty of Sleep: Sleep enables your body to heal more rapidly. Many doctors provide patients with sleeping pills to aid in rest. Even if you don’t feel like you need the rest, your eyes do.
  3. Use the Eye Drops: Your doctor will give you eye drops to use several times each day for several days after the surgery. These drops keep your eyes from drying out and help prevent infections. If possible get someone else to help you putting the drops in your eyes.
  4. Wear Sunglasses: Your eyes will be more sensitive to light for several days after the surgery. Wearing sunglasses will prevent you from straining your eyes during this time.
  5. Avoid Touching Your Face: Keep your hands away from your face to prevent spreading dirt and germs. You should also wash your hands often just in case of incidental contact.
  6. Avoid Clothes that Shed: Angora sweaters and mohair coats are examples of this type of clothing. These clothes constantly shed small hairs that can find their way into your eyes.
  7. Avoid Cutting Your Hair: If you need a haircut, do it before having your eye surgery. Don’t risk having small bits of hair falling into your eyes causing pain, discomfort and possible infection.
  8. Avoid Smoke Filled Environments: Smoke is composed of fine particles that can get into your eyes and cause irritation. It’s also a good idea to avoid chemical vapors for the same reason. Avoid areas where solvents and other volatile chemicals are being used.
  9. Wear a Soft Mask at Night: Wearing a mask will help prevent you from rubbing your eyes in your sleep. They will also help keep things such as dust and pet hair out of your eyes.
  10. Avoid Water: You should not shower for the first day or two in order to avoid getting soap and water in your eyes. Also avoid swimming pools, hot tubs and whirlpools as the risk of getting chlorine or contaminated water in your eyes are high for these places.
  11. Keep a Positive Attitude: Remember, your eyesight will clear up soon and you will no longer need those pesky eye glasses or contact lenses. Keeping a positive attitude will help carry you through the recovery process more smoothly, and may help you heal faster.

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